Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

There Are No Words

It’s that dreaded time of year. The one where players we grown accustomed to seeing and enjoy watching play have to leave us. Some to other conferences, others to other divisions in the east, and one to the orange soul suckers from across the state. In this post we will take a look back on the highs, the lows, and the man who betrayed us all (insert overly dramatic music and mood lighting).

Mike Rupp

Michael Francis Rupp, who came to us by way of New Jersey, joined the Pens in 2009. He scored his first hat trick with Pittsburgh but on top of everything he will always be remembered for his outstanding ability to own Mike Green.

Be kind to him New York City!

Chris Conner

The underrated AHL darling. They say everything is bigger in Texas but this man proved to be the rule breaker. We’ll miss you little buddy but will meet again during preseason in Detroit.

Max “Traitor” Talbot

 Kidding, of course. The man did what was best for his career, even if it does mean a lifetime of booing in Pittsburgh. A character player with a personality bigger than his goal total. The Superstar. The man who scored the only goals to win the Stanley Cup. Things like that won’t be forgotten but ignored completely when Philly hits the ice at the Consol Energy Center this fall.


Au revoir nos amis. Take care…but not enough care that when we see you again your team wins.

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