Checking In With Penguins Top Prospects: Beau Bennett

Aerys reporter Sarah Soltan talked to Beau Bennett back during the college hockey playoffs about his first year and his experiences at Denver and in the tournament.

What’s it like as a freshman in college to have the spotlight on you as one of the league’s top prospect?

Beau: It’s a learning experience. There are so many great players, and I try to work as hard as possible. We are all working toward the same goals, and it is a challenge that I have enjoyed so far.

How has your first year at Denver been? The WCHA is a notoriously challenging conference, has that been more difficult or a learning experience?

B: I have loved my time at Denver so far. Love the people here, the coaching, and the city. I have had to get used to the stronger players of the WCHA. It’s a challenge every day, and I hope to improve in my college career.

Looking at the NCAA tourney this weekend, is there any certain way you prepare? As an individual or as a team?

B: We lost a little earlier than we would have hoped, but it was a great experience for our young team. We have to take the whole situation in and use it as fuel for the next time we’re in a similar situation.

Any pre-game superstitions?

B: I am not superstitious at all. I delibritely change tape jobs, sticks, and curves to make sure my routine changes. I like having fun, and don’t get to caught up in superstitions.

In the spirit of Sports illustrated we found out where Beau Bennett fits in with our own Our Way to the Cup Pop Culture Grid:

Childhood hero: Ray Ferarro

Miracle or Slapshot: Miracle

Original Mighty Ducks or D2: All of them

Who was in your final four: VCU, Butler, UConn, and Kentucky

Charlie Sheen is… winning

Favorite playoff haircut: Patrick Kane Mullet

TV show you’d most like to guest star in: Two and a Half Men

1 comment
  1. Katie Martinez said:

    Love seeing this kid play with DU…too bad he has the bad luck to be in the Pens’ system. 😉

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