
Monthly Archives: November 2011

For once I am happy the game is on Versus--it means I'll get to see King Henrik in HD.

As the Penguins are gearing up for another road game, the Rangers are already busy preparing for the Winter Classic (they unveiled their jerseys yesterday–check them out here). Both teams are going to pause for a moment, though, and prove they can beat another contender.

Game Notes:

  • Goalie Henrik Lundqvist is in top form after shutting out the Philadelphia Flyers on Saturday.
  • In case you haven’t been keeping up with the Sean Avery Saga, he wasn’t resigned with the Rangers, so he chose to play for the Rangers AHL affiliate to stay in NYC. Finally, he was called back up to the Rangers. Moral of the story: We are playing Sean Avery tonight.

Where to Watch/Listen:

The puck drops at 7:30 PM (EST).

Versus, TSN2, ROOT Sports, Penguins Radio


Even Sid can't believe it!

NHL’s Three Stars of the Week were anounced today.

Number 1 Star of the Week? Sidney Crosby.

The Comeback Kid has scored 9 points in 4 games, 2 goals and 7 assists, with both those goals coming in his season debut against the Islanders, nearly 11 months since his last game. He also has a +7 rating for 4 games.

It’s like he never left us.

Two Pens recent draft picks have been invited to Canada National Junior Team Selection Camp in December. Defenseman Joe Morrow (1st round) and defenseman Scott Harrington (2nd round) were both 2011 draft picks by the Penguins.

Morrow had an impressive training camp with the Penguins in September and was one the last players cut from the final roster. The 18 year old defenseman currently plays for the Portland Winterhawks of the Western Hockey League. Through 22 games this season, Morrow has 24 points and 49 penalty minutes. The 6’1 defenseman also participated in Canada’s camp over the summer.

Harrington, 18, has played in 22 games for the London Knights of the OHL this season racking up 13 points and 22 penalty minutes. He is currently on pace to beat his 22 point total from last season.

Although many people criticized the decision to draft two defensemen in the first two rounds in the draft, Morrow and Harrington are regarded as different kinds of players. Morrow is more likely to rack up the points and play with an offensive-edge while Harrington plays a shut down, stay at home defensive game.

With only three returning players from last year’s silver medal team, the player’s competitive spirits will be raised with more spots available.

It will be interesting to see who makes the final roster and gets to represent Canada and the Penguins at the Junior Championship in Edmonton after Christmas.

Remember this? Carey Price does.

Geez, it’s like Christmas for Penguins fans this week! First we get Crosby back, then we get to witness a killer game such as that of last night, and now we get to play the Habs? Thank you, hockey gods! (And yes, this is probably the only time I will ever say that…)

Game Notes:

  • Montreal is feeling the wrath of the aforementioned hockey gods right now. They have three forwards and three defensemen sidelined with injuries.
  • This is the start of a four-game roadtrip for the Penguins, who played the last three at home.
  • Watch out for Tomas Plekanec.

Where to Watch/Listen:

The puck drops at 7:00 PM (EST).

ROOT Sports (Pittsburgh), Penguins Radio (Online), 105.9 FM

The Ottawa Senators are currently 10-9-2.

It’s Friday night and a hockey night in Pittsburgh. What better combination is there?

Game Notes:

  • Ottawa’s stop in Pittsburgh is the final stop on a six-game roadtrip. The team is tired and eager to return home, so we will most definitely take advantage of that fact.
  • Ottawa’s power play isn’t doing so…uh…well thus far. Hey, we know what that feels like, right? Combining this fact with our #1 penalty kill, we may be looking to play a more aggressive game.
  • The All-Star Game is in Ottawa this year…have you voted for your favorite Penguins’ players yet? If not, go do it now! If you already have, go do it again!

Where to Watch/Listen:

The puck drops at 7:00 PM (EST).

ROOT Sports (Pittsburgh), Penguins Radio (Online).

Sidney Crosby celebrates after scoring his first goal

Sidney Crosby celebrates after scoring his first goal

Monday night’s Penguins game was one that will be remembered for the ages.Sidney Crosby made his long awaited debut after being sidelined with a concussion for the last 10 moths. And boy was it some return. 5 minutes into the game, on his first shot, he scored. He quickly added another goal, along with two assists to end the night with 4 points. Not a bad comeback.

The question is what happens now?

The Penguins play St Louis tonight, and Crosby will be in the lineup. What can we expect from him?  Crosby himself admitted that Monday’s mind blowing performance had a lot to do with the adrenaline he was on, and there’s probably a chance that won’t be repeated tonight. It’s understandable, but a lot of people might start criticizing the fact that he isn’t scoring all the goals all the time.

Those people can sit on it, to be perfectly honest. It’s been 10 months and it will take Sid a while to get adjusted. Sid said he doesn’t expect to be in the running for the Art Ross or Rocket Richard and we should leave him be. Let him get back into the routine and let it go from there.

If he scores 50 goals this season, then yay! If he doesn’t, then yay! Let’s just rejoice in the fact that our captain is back and healthy.

Even though we can't hate David Backes, tonight we must take him down!

Normally, a match between the Penguins and the Blues isn’t an Earth shattering event. Tonight, though, everyone will be tuning in to find out one thing: was Crosby’s performance Monday night merely an adrenaline rush?

Game Notes:

  • Tonight, the team will honor its 25,000,000th fan. Just let that stat sink in.
  • Zbynek Michalek will be playing in his 500th NHL game tonight. He made his NHL debut in 03/04 with the Minnesota Wild.
  • Look for the team to start settling into some new patterns with Crosby back in the lineup. Everyone had to adjust a little on Monday night, and tonight will be the night to work those kinks out.

Where to Watch/Listen:

The puck drops at 7:00PM (EST).

ROOT Sports (Pittsburgh), Penguins Radio (Online).

Back again-gain-gain, Crosby's back! Tell a friend!

It’s the announcement we have all bee waiting for: the one and the only Sidney Crosby will be returning to the Pittsburgh Penguins lineup on Monday night when the team takes on the New York Islanders at Consol Energy Center.

Crosby has been sidelined with a concussion, and concussion symptoms since January 5th, 2011. In October, he was cleared for contact and has been practicing and traveling with the team for the past month. After remaining symptom-free, Crosby’s doctors have given him the final go-ahead and he is now 100% cleared to play.

It has been over 320 days since Crosby has played an NHL game, but come Monday night, Crosby can put this phase of his career behind him and start the next chapter of his already-amazing career.

The 'Guins take on the Panthers tonight at 7:30 EST.

The Florida Panthers’ summer makeover may have been the talk of the hockey world, but we have already seen what this new team can do so far this season, and we came away with a 4-2 win.

Game Notes:

  • Florida is currently tied with Washington for first place in the Southeast Division. Say whaaa?
  • They have also managed to give up the fewest number of goals in their division. Say whaaa?: The Sequel.
  • Coach Bylsma has shot down any rumors regarding Crosby’s possible return.

Where to Watch/Listen:

The puck drops at 7:30 PM (EST).

ROOT Sports (Pittsburgh), Penguins Radio (Online)