Sid Out Next Two Games

All that speculation about 11-11-11 being the date of the anticipated comeback ends today. Head Coach Dan Bylsma announced after Pens practice today that Crosby won’t play in the next two games.

Rumors that Friday was the day for the return of Sid the Kid has been on going since the season started. Crosby has repeated that he doesn’t even know when he will be back and never knew how the rumor started.

We all know that Crosby is a little superstitious (okay, let’s be honest he is extremely superstitious!) Since he received his first blow to the head on 1-1-11, many reporters even asked Sid if that would stop him from returning on 11-11-11.

Apparently it doesn’t even matter what the day is, because he won’t be playing at all this weekend. I’ll be honest though, I don’t want him to comeback tomorrow either. The date scares me a little.

But all dates aside, Crosby hasn’t talked to media the past two days, probably being fed up of being asked the same questions over and over again.

Although Crosby won’t be in the lineup against one of the hottest teams in the NHL tomorrow, Bylsma said Forward Tyler Kennedy who has been out since reporting concussion symptoms last month is listed as a game-time decision against the Stars.

Now as the rumors continue for the date of the comeback, the season goes on as the Pens faceoff against the Dallas Stars tomorrow night at Consol Energy Center.

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