Jordan Staal Rejects 10 Year Contract; My Heart Breaks


Well, this is a new development.

After Ray Shero told everyone that he fully intends on re-signing Jordan Staal, news has broke on Twitter that Staalsy has rejected a 10 year, $60 million contract.

Bob McKenzie of TSN first broke the news, which was quickly confirmed by numerous writers.

Staal’s agent, Paul Krepelka, said “My only comment will be that Jordan is not prepared to enter into a contract extension at this time.

Given that Staalsy is getting married tomorrow, maybe he just wants to enter into one long term contract at a time. Or maybe he remembers what happened to another blond player in Pennsylvania who signed a  year extension.

Whatever this means, I just hope Staal does end up re-signing with the Pens. He’s a major part of our team and no matter what anyone says, we need him. However, it would also be understandable if he decided he wanted to be a first line center elsewhere.

No matter what happens, I’ll end up a bawling mess.

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