Is There Anything Sidney Crosby Can’t Do?

Source: Twitter/@jheaney16

With this lockout still going on, NHL players will do anything to play some hockey.

For Sidney Crosby, that includes changing positions as well.

According to Twitter, last week, Sid surprised a rec hockey team in Pittsburgh and played a game with them. But instead of playing forward, Sid played goalie.

Even cooler? He had a 4-0 shutout. But he’s not taking credit for it. According to Seth Rorabaugh on Twitter, Sid claims his team was really good defensively and he didn’t face a single shot.

Hey, any of those d-men want to come play for the Pens?

Playing goalie isn’t exactly a new thing for Sid. The story goes that when he was young, he started off in net until his father, a goalie himself who was drafted by the Montreal Canadiens, noticed his son’s skills and put him in as a forward instead.

I doubt Sid will make this a normal thing, but it’s really cool that he did this. Imagine how happy the other players were!

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